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  • Writer's picturexueh jing





1. perceptible by touch. e.g. plants, stones, buildings, signs, people, animals

for my tangible map, i decided to focus more on plants and people. mostly because to me, people are such interesting subjects. we are all unique yet somehow we also connect in some way. my map is about people who wore anything floral! i don't know about you but from what i know from the fashion world in Malaysia, floral print has been in trend for a while now. whenever i go for outdoor events, i see so many people wearing floral, tropical vibrant floral tops to be more exact.

my map journey started from ss15 lrt station >>> ali, muthu and ah hock restaurant @ pasar seni. i actually went on this trip with some of my friends last weekend, just to check out a part of klang valley and get a taste for our main map later on. from the trip we went, i collected things and also did some sketches that could be used in the maps later on.

here's a small part of my notes... the rest are just as messy as these notes. i tried to note down as much as i could while being on the go. it isn't an easy thing to do x___x even sketching! it was hard to sketch while trying to stand in a moving lrt. (kudos to my friend who had to hold my arm to keep me from falling while i sketched)

my notes

when i was doing this map, i decided to try out different methods to draw out the map route. at first i tried making the route using dried pressed flower and print it using poster colour, but the end results weren't really satisfying so i didn't use it. i also did the blind contouring method which we learnt to do the class before this! gotta use new skills u learn right?! i did a few tries and picked one that seemed the best. i first did it on yellow paper to signify the bright day we had on the day i collected data for this map but it just didn't work out (again). all in all, i ended up using plain art block to give it a neat look. i always try to keep in mind that experimentations are important in a design process.

below are some progress pictures of my map!

to keep my map lively and textured, i added in different kinds of material like newspaper, plastic, strings. i also made use of my dried flowers to indicate the stops in my map. after much trial and error, here's the final look of my map:

final tangible map

i think that what i could learn and improve from this map is that i should step out of my comfort zone more often. sometimes my brain drifts to do things conventionally because i feel like "that's how [this thing] should look like." but really, there isn't a fixed way on how things should look like. that's a habit i need to get rid of. besides that, i think i could improve on the way i put information in the map. i feel like i didn't provide enough information on the map itself compared to what i have written in my notes.

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