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  • Writer's picturexueh jing


Updated: Apr 27, 2019




1. unable to be touched; not having physical presence.

e.g. smell, emotions, temperature, sound


for this map, i decided to choose familiarity as my main emotion. What is familiarity?

i did a little research and googled for the definition so here it is:

familiarity is the opposite of aloofness and formality.

1. close association; intimacy

2. free and intimate behavior; absence of formality and ceremony

3. intimacy that is too bold or unwelcome

4. pl. -·ties a highly intimate act, remark, etc.; often, specif., a caress or other act of sexual intimacy

5. close acquaintance (with something)

for me, familiarity can be a good or bad thing. if i were to name some of good familiarity to me, they would be my grandma's cooking, the smell of my bed, the faces of old friends. as for some of bad familiarity to me, it would be a crowded and packed lrt, the fear of walking back home alone, the loud noises of construction. i chose familiarity because it's something i feel on a daily, wherever i may be. i believe that many people feel that too. it's a common feeling.

from the trip i went on, i felt many feelings that relate to familiarity, like nostalgia, intimacy, sadness, comfort. that's why i decided to do this topic. as you can see from my map, i first started from petaling street and ended at my room at my grandma's. one of the reasons why i decided to do this is also largely because of my grandma's. her place is my comfort place and i love the feeling of familiarity i feel whenever i'm there.

for each stop, i jotted down the location, time and things i feel/listen/smell at that moment. i also sketch some scenes and collected some things on my trip that seemed relevant and could be used in my map. here are some stuff i wrote down in my notes in my phone:

aaaaand here's the final look of my intangible map, "familiarity":

for the base i decided to use small boxed papers from an old exercise book that i used to use in my chinese primary school. it's commonly used in class, especially for subjects like mathematic and science. ah, using this brought back a lot of bittersweet memories.

i tried to make my map less 2D and more 3D by sticking things that i collected during my trip.

doing this map helped me to remember that i can use things to represent something and i don't have to necessarily be straightforward and use that thing itself. for example, i used cotton to represent the softness of a pillow and bed, instead of just drawing the pillow and bed itself. i learnt about "representation" in foundation in design actually. it was the first assignment i got when i was in semester 2. i was so new to this concept so it was fun to learn something new. what we had to do was to make a 1 min video using representations only. if you'd like to see my video for that assignment, by all means, go ahead and watch it here! (pls keep in mind i am still a learning student and i'm kind of embarrassed of that video ^___^) by learning how to use representations, it helped me to improve the way i present things in my work. hence, i am going to use this method and apply it in my main map.

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