the topic for my placard addresses the issue of sweatshop and how migrant workers are suffering from human trafficking (forced labour, poor working conditions, debt bondage). I would like to encourage people to practice conscious consumerism.
here are some of my original draft ideas:
for the first two ideas, i decided to use string puppets to represent how employers puppeteer their employees into working until they bleed and break, which explains the blood trickling down the string. i also used the red gloves as a symbolism for topglove. because top glove's ceo loves to wear coloured, especially red, latex gloves on many occasions (picture shown below) added the tag line "their blood is in your hands"
idea 01
idea 02
another idea was to use latex condom because top glove has a product brand named top feel so i decided to use it as one of my ideas. along with the tagline "protection for you. but what about them?"
idea 03
🌟feedback from my lecturer: use the condom idea because it's much more interesting compared to the string puppet idea. besides that, the string puppets idea may seem too direct anyway. the condom idea can be expanded from there but don't use blood :,-) i should use something else to represent the red coloured gloves. i should also focus more on the typography since it's a typography focused assignment. and lastly, relate my topic (sweatshop, conscious consumerism) back to "how design turn us into a design machine?"