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  • Writer's picturexueh jing

coexist: design disruptors

Updated: May 17, 2020

for this week's coexist class we were give the task to watch a documentary film called "Design Disruptors" (the interface to access to the film is super cool btw)

Design Disruptors showed us a lot of the behind-the-scenes of the design teams from many successful companies we all know:

(Design Disruptors, n.d.)

we got to hear a lot of different thoughts of the designers from these companies. a good design means differently to every designer. some say a good design is transparent, you don't notice it when you are using a product/app. some say a good design is something that's so aesthetically pleasing that it makes you want to use the app.

3 aspects I found useful & interesting:

1. good design solves problems and looks good doing it

"Art is about making questions. Design is about making solutions." they talked a lot about UX design which is user experience design, a process that design teams create meaningful experiences for a user. UX design focuses on the usability and functionality and not just the aesthetics of the brand. Designers who make UX designs need to think of what is the output they want? instead of just how do they want to design this so it looks good? Being a good designer means being able to put yourself in the user's shoes and see what works best because, and i quote,"you're creating for them, not for you."

For instance, I liked it when Julie Zhuo, VP of product design in Facebook, mentioned that they have this initiative called 2Gs Tuesdays where for a day, Facebook slows down Internet connections to 2G speeds for its employees. The idea of this is to give employees the firsthand experience of using Facebook on slow networks. This helps them to learn about the shortcomings of their app and inspire them to improve it even more (Gupta N., 2018, January 11).

2. being able to connect

A favourite part of mine is when MailChimp created this user interface where after you send out an email, a monkey will high five you. that's user empathy. i like that they put user's emotions and feelings into account and that they understand the emotional context in the situation of sending a mail (nervousness, anxious) and from there, they created this lil cute graphic to make your experience of sending a mail better!

3. design is becoming more important

in the era we're in right now, design and entrepreneurship has never been more interconnected. a lot of products have been brought to the market thanks to designers. because of how important design is right now, designers are able to take on meaningful problems, and solve it as it has never done before. designers are creating positive change with their design and i think that's pretty amazing.


Design Disruptors (n.d.). Retrieved from

Gupta N. (2018, January 11). How Facebook Uses 2G Tuesdays to Improve Its Products. Retrieved from

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