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09 Umeda Hospital

Updated: May 17, 2020

09 Umeda Hospital by Kenya Hara

Umeda Hospital is a maternity hospital that aims for child-birth and child-rearing, in a kind and friendly manifest to people and the natural environment. It's located in Yamaguchi, Japan (W. A., 2015, April 22). In 1998, Nippon Design Center produced the signage plan for Umeda Hospital. The signage plan was based on the key concept :

“Cleanliness is the best service that a hospital can provide”

With the recent renovation of the building, new signs have been created. The concept of the “washable sign” remained the same. The design uses white cloth that in fact can easily be dirtied. Taking the idea of bedsheets and nurses' uniforms, a zipper attachment method allows the cloth signs to be easily taken off to be washed and replaced (Production of Umeda Hospital Signage: Nippon Design Center, n.d.)

exterior of umeda hospital
entrance of umeda hospital

some pictures of the interior of the hospital:

my favourite part of this is that i can immediately tell it's done by a Japanese designer. It's so minimal yet effective. From the clean minimalistic design with the use of only white and red colours (the colours that represent the universal hospital sign 🏥) to the use of wood for the space in the hospital. It's said that Dr. Kaoru Umeda, the leader of the hospital, attaches importance to breastfeeding and cuddling. To best reflect his human philosophy in the architecture, they used wood in many places to express warmth and comfort.

The hospital is certified by UNICEF as one of ‘’The Hospitals Friendly to Babies‘’.

how lovely is that!!!

found this colour palette for fun and thought that it's the same palette used for Umeda Hospital ^__^

(Torch Red & Rice Cake, n.d.)


Cardenas, D. (2016, July 31). Umeda Hospital / Kengo Kuma & Associates. Retrieved from

Production of Umeda Hospital Signage: Nippon Design Center. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Torch Red & Rice Cake. (n.d.). Retrieved from

W. A. (2015, April 22). Kengo Kuma revealed Japan's Umeda Hospital. Retrieved from

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