in this class activity, we were told to split into two big groups and to sit in a circle with ur group. we each had a mini book in hand which was still blank. we are to draw anything we like on the first page. it could be anything at all she said! so i drew no-face. then we are supposed to pass it to the person next to us for them to continue the story. they can add anything as long as it's relevant to the page before. this goes on in a circle until all the blank pages are drawn. after it's done, it becomes a visual story book!
the first page that I drew was no-face holding a flower; the story of the flower eating monster begins......
second page has a new character: totoro! no-face got a flower for totoro
totoro doesn't want the flower....... :-0 no-face is shocked and upset that totoro doesn't want it!!!!
then, totoro gave in and took the flower from no-face. no-face was so happy :'-) and then........... totoro put it in its mouth?! no-face is once again, shocked.
a shocking twist to the end, totoro actually ate the flower that no-face gifted totoro. totoro is happy! though, no-face on the hand sighs....... no-face learned its lesson to never give totoro flower anymore *shakes head*
the moral of the story is to not give totoro any flower anymore!!!!
it was a great activity that shows that despite whatever the page before that is, we can change the context of it in the next page. we get to decide what happens in the next page, by adding a new element like a character or a scenery or object. throughout this activity, we don't know what was going to happen in the end or what even would happen next and that made this activity more thrilling and get our brain juice to flow. some of us added plot twists to the story and some even made it even funnier. a story could keep changing even until the end because of the context we add to it. the start and end could even be a very drastic difference. we should always think outside the box. conventional can be boring, am i right??