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  • Writer's picturexueh jing

sophia the robot

in this week's class, we started off with the group presentations. group 1 (nabilah, elaine, kali and florence) did a presentation on Industrial Revolution 1.0. we learnt what is IR, the factors of IR, the major events that happened in IR and how it shaped graphic design. Industrial Revolution was the rise of modernism. It was the start of the inventions of machines. people started moving from farms to cities and took up jobs in the industry. Industrial Revolution actually started in Great Britain because of its resources, geographical factors etc.

I learnt that during Industrial Revolution 1.0, it impacted the graphic design sector in several ways. not only photography was invented, it also helped improve existing products. also, chromolithography (a method of making coloured prints) was also invented which made mass producing prints such as posters more convenient and less time consuming.

afterwards, we learnt that at this day and age we are still experiencing Industrial Revolution. we've been through from IR1.0 to IR4.0 and IR4.0 is what we are going through today.

our group's concept map on IR 4.0

our group presented on IR 4.0, something we are going through in this era. (please don't mind the distorted drawing of sophia the robot) but yes sophia is one of the best examples of the amazing advanced technology we have developed today. it's so advanced that sophia the robot, an ai, can imitate human emotions. scary but very cool at the same time. am i right? there are of course a lot of cons too, such as privacy breach which is super common because most of us expose our whereabouts and doings all the time on social media. there are still many things we need to work on as we progress higher and i think it's important to address the issues we face now before it comes to a point we think twice to go on the internet because we are afraid it's too dangerous.

after all groups presented, we also connected the intersecting points of IR1.0, IR2.0, IR 3.0 and IR 4.0. all these IR laid out showed that we are constantly creating breakthroughs, especially in the technology sector, and that's really astonishing.

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